Academic Major Report

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Median Career Earnings

Earnings 1 year after graduating from programs.undefined

Annual earnings for career jobs of graduates in Illinois firms.

Earnings 5 years after graduating from programs.undefined

Annual earnings for career jobs of graduates in Illinois firms.

Median annual salary for graduates working in Illinois. Cost of living varies by location and includes many factors, such as housing, clothing, transportation, entertainment, and food. Check out resources like for more information.

Most Popular Industries and Career Earnings

Earnings for most popular industry 1 year after graduation

All Public Universities

Earnings for most popular industry 5 years after graduation

All Public Universities

Earnings for most popular industry 1 year after graduation

All Public Universities

Earnings for most popular industry 5 years after graduation

All Public Universities

Earnings for most popular industry 1 year after graduation

All Public Universities

Earnings for most popular industry 5 years after graduation

All Public Universities

The industry refers to the firm in which the graduate is employed. The industry clusters displayed on this website are groups of related industries created from the 6-digit NAICS codes. More detail on industries can be found here: The most popular industry has the most persons with stable jobs working in it, who graduated from the listed school(s), and the listed area(s)-of-study. The second most popular industry has the second highest number of persons with stable jobs working in it, who graduated from the listed school(s), and the listed area(s)-of-study. The third most popular industry has the third highest number of persons with stable jobs working in it, who graduated from the listed school(s), and the listed area(s)-of-study.

Job Stability

Job stability 1 year after graduating

All Public Universities

Job stability 5 years after graduating

All Public Universities

Job stability is the percentage of all graduate jobs in Illinois where the graduate works for the same employer for at least 3 consecutive quarters.

Rate of Continued Enrollment

Percentage of all graduates that are enrolled in more schooling 1 year after graduating

All Public Universities

Percentage of bachelor’s degree completers who were enrolled in college within one year of graduation.

Cost After Aid
Average cost to attend for 1 year

The net price of your first year of college tuition and fees, living expenses, books and supplies, minus any government and institution grants or scholarships; this does not include private scholarships, work study, or loans.

Student Debt
Average debt for graduates from

The average amount borrowed by graduates through federal loan programs such as Perkins and Stafford Subsidized and Unsubsidized loans to pay for their undergraduate education.

Average Monthly Loan Payments

Typical monthly loan payment for federal borrowers with 10-year repayment plan

The average monthly loan repayment for each CIP/ program of study, is sourced using College Scorecard’s “DEBT_ALL_PP_EVAL_MDN10YRPAY” variable, which is defined as the ‘Median estimated monthly payment for Parent PLUS loan debt disbursed at this institution.’ The average monthly loan repayment for the school as a whole (all programs of study), is sourced using College Scorecard’s “GRAD_DEBT_MDN10YR” variable, which is defined as the ‘Median loan debt of completers in monthly payments (10-year amortization plan).’

Related Occupations

programs.undefined graduates occupations and their projected openings

The Illinois 2020-2030 Projections data are using 2018 SOC codes. The occupations that were reported in the US BLS Occupational Projections and were not found in the Illinois Occupational Projections are: natural sciences managers, marine engineers and naval architects, legislators, chief executives, aerospace engineers, hydrologists, social workers, all other, and fashion designers. These occupations are suppressed due to the application of BLS/Illinois confidentiality rules. The asterisk (*) means the data is suppressed due to too few observations in the data.

Additional Resources

Program availability may change over time. Please see for programs currently available at Illinois’ four-year colleges. Cost of living varies by location and includes many factors, such as housing, clothing, transportation, entertainment, and food. Check out resources like for more information.